Sabtu, 15 April 2017

Learning From Nature

            It’s so many different meanings about nature for individual. According to Wikipedia nature can refer to the phenomena of the physical world, and also to life in general. The word nature is derived from the latin word natura it’s means essential qualities innate disposition and in ancient times, literally meant ‘birth’.
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           Nature is created by God and human must protect nature. Nature is life. Nature is underneath everything humans have created, it is under the skyscrapers, concrete floors, behind the makeup and underneath our clothes. It was more obvious that we were a part of nature in past during the ancient times when had nature as our kitchen, bedroom and play yard.

Now many people avoid that rules. The rules about how humas have to protect nature. Human arbitrarily use the natural wealth. Human develoved cities and industries, and the lifestyle has changed. Man has been using and misusing natural resources up to the limit. Now we are tearing up remote corners of the planet looking for crude oil and coal, and our forests and wild animals are disappearing. Our environment is totally polluted we drink polluted water, inhale air full of dust, and eat food with contain of pesticides.

As a result of human activities, the ozone layer has a hole, the sea is rising, and the ice caps of Antartica and Greenland are melting. Now global warming is warning us that climate change is coming. Nature is in danger, we are on this planet is in danger too. So now we have to save the Earth.

Don’t cut down the trees randomly or waste paper for something that not important. Imagine if in this earth there’s nothing trees. How can we life. How can we breath the air. The earth will be so warm. Then come global warming.

Global warming, we can also called it destruction. With global warming threaten our earth, our nature will slowly be destroyed. Soon, in hundreds years to the future, maybe our earth will be a giant ocean and there’ll be no more land for ous to live because the ice in North and South Pole has melted.

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Can we stop global warming? No, this is the effect of years ignoring global warming. Can we reduce global warming’s effect? Yes, we can. We maybe cannot stop global warming since it’s started long time ago but we still have time to reduce and slower the effect of global warming.

How? We can started from reducing the main cause of global warming that is CO2 gas. Using public transportation or using a bike to go to your destintion rather than using personal cars or motorcycles. Then industries should reduce their gas that slowly destroy our ozon.

Beside reducing CO2 gas in our air, we should take care of trees more. They are our main power to reduce CO2 by changing them into oxygen for us to breath. Stop cutting those younger trees and stop using papers for unusefull things. Mostly, stop hurting trees just for your own advantage.

We lived side by side with animals and plants as they are part of our nature. If we cut trees without thinking others,  animals will also fell the effect. They will lose their habitats and can also died. So, let’s start to take a better care for our earth for a better future.