Senin, 07 November 2016

Unforgettable Moment

Hello im back. Now i will tell you guys about my unforgettable moment!!!
I have two moment is the saddest and the happiest moment in my life. Actually its many moment i have done before but impossible if i tell you all my past moment. so here we go...

The Saddest Moment
    It's happened when i was 10th years old. I have one brother, his name is Olga Arya Nugraha. He  was suffered from cancer when he was 14th years old. His cancer generally called Leukemia. But unfortunately my brother couldn't fight from his sickness. When he hospitalized i always visited after school. Although he was illness but his face looked happy, no pain. At that time, sometimes i feel envy cause my parents attention is distracted to my brother. And the last 1 month, my brother should be treated in the ICU. The situation getted worse. And at 11 October 2010, God took his life. Im so hit by the situation, im crying, daydream he still alive and stand beside me. I love and miss him so much. Although there's always an argument between me and my brother. Sometimes my mom scold us because an argument we've done. If he still alive he must be my guardian. He always accompany and pick up me. For 1 year i was feeling lost, but later i could adapt the situation.

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